When we decide to be rooted in the Love of God, we don't have to rely on temporary rain clouds to come and hide the scorching sun and hope that it brings forth rain to refresh us, just to get us by; Because our roots are tapped into God's life-giving source that sustains us through the good seasons and the bad seasons of life.
That's why we can still find fruit from those who have been through the toughest times of life.
His promise, to never leave us or forsake us becomes reality, especially when we find ourselves in the most barren places in life, God will allow you to bear fruit, even in the driest times, so that His glory will be shown! Even to the ones that have been watching and waiting for you to fall flat on your face.
We can learn a lot from the picture above...you see, true life and stability for a tree, is found in the root system that is hidden from the view of others and like a tree, our strength and power comes from our hidden times with our creator!
So, my challenge to you is to dig in deep and to tap into His love and strength so that His glory will be shown through the fruit that you bear!
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