As we read this passage, we see that the Disciples quickly answered Jesus with a pre-theoretical view. (a view that evolves through your life. ie. parents belief, church view, etc.) He was telling them that it’s more than just a view, but it’s a choice of action! “...he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me...”
Sincerely, Jesus wants to know who He really is to you. (Stop and ponder this, really.)
If you would just take the time to find the answer for the question, "who is Jesus to you?" your ultimate goal for life would change!
Jesus has to be more than just a Savior of your life, but the Lord of your life. What does that Word, 'Lord', mean anyways?
Lord - noun - Someone or something having power, authority, or influence
Lordship = An end of life on my own terms
He made this clear in Luke 6:46 “Why do you call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not [practice] what I tell you?”
Let me ask you a question: Are you practicing what the Lord has spoken to you through His Word?
When you realize the reasoning for your existence and begin to understand the role you play in the Kingdom of God, everything becomes involuntary when it comes to taking up His Cross and following!
(The Dare: Post something that comes to your mind about this study on this page! Then post it to your status for the World to read...I Dare You! Iron does sharpen Iron!)
Just stopping in to say Hi :)