So, like many resolutions...I started well but ended the hope of being fit the following month. ha! I was one of those, 'off and on' types that only worked out when I saw an episode of Biggest Loser or saw one of my friends who was really dedicated to getting fit, post their accomplishments on Facebook.
I really decided to get serious near the end of July at YMI after hearing the very fit, Rob Blakney, talk about the importance of being fit and adapting to a healthier lifestyle. On August 8, 2011, a day I will never forget, was the day that I really got serious and started a 9 week workout program called, "INSANITY!" It was just that! The first day consisted of a warm-up and then a fit test to see where I stood. Needless to say, I couldn't stand at all...I was lying on the floor of the gym completely exhausted and very nauseated from a stupid protein shake that I made an hour before. The next day was even worse as I focused in on the goal to finish 2011 more fit. I even became more aggressive in my quest and set a goal to run my very first official 5k in October. (BTW, setting goals periodically throughout the year can help you stay on course to reach your ultimate goal.) The truth is...I wanted to quit sooo bad, and it would've been really easy to come up with some excuse to give up. After all, I was dealing with some intense shin splints that was keeping me from training for the run or even walking normal, at that! I could've made the excuse of it being the holidays and how I didn't want to hurt anyones feelings by not eating their food, that they slaved many hours in preparation...believe me, I could've written a book, "Why I Can't Do This Now!" by Tony (Mr. Excuses) Putman and probably would've made millions...ha...But I pushed myself and determined not to let this weight and unfit body hold me back from experiencing something new, fresh and fit. I wanted to taste victory sooo bad, so I kept my head up and pushed through the grueling workouts! Now, 30 lbs lighter and more fit than ever, I'm tasting a little bit of that victory! I just started another workout program called "P90X" and it's pretty intense as well, but I'm still determined to live a much healthier life!
You know, everything that I said above about my physical health can also be applied to my spiritual health as well. You see, we're all kings and queens of excuses as to why we can't read our Bibles or why we can't commit to our local church or even why we don't have a consistent prayer life and while we're exerting ourselves to come up with some new excuse, our spiritual health is deteriorating.
Hebrews 12:1 says, "...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..."
Look, I'm not going to be the guy that tells you what sin or excuse is weighing you down spiritually, because it's really not an issue of identification; it's an issue of commitment! Either you are or you're not going to be committed to developing and maintaining a healthy relationship with God. Now, I'm not saying that you're not going to have days that will absolutely test your commitment, but even in those times you will recognize the weight and do something about it! The truth is...there will always be something that will challenge your commitment, but God created you for victory! Stay committed and push forward! (Read the picture at the top! Great motivation!)
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