About Me

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Hello, im Tony and I'm absolutely ecstatic that you would take time to visit my Journey through life as I strive to bring honor to God. Let me be very honest, I am definitely not a perfect man or Christian! I've made many, many mistakes and will probably continue to make mistake, but I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus! I'm a PK (Preacher's Kid) and eventually became a minister myself in 1996. I can't believe it's been that long! I love music! I play several instruments (haven't mastered any...ha!) and sing. I absolutely love Football! Favorite College team: LSU Favorite NFL: Dallas Cowboys! (True Blue all the way Thru!) I love the country...It's how I was raised, so I like to fish, hunt, shoot, mud ride, camping, etc. I guess that's all there is to know about me! I love to meet new people, so feel free to hit me up. God Bless!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Word

I know that we're suppose to seek the face of God and have a desire to receive a Word through a man or woman of God that He has chosen, but I believe that we tend to go overboard in our seeking. I know people who are more than willing to drive several hours and fly across the states to receive a Word from God through a man or woman but has a problem with carrying their Bible to church on Sundays or cracking it open for a one on one devotion with God! hmmm...doesn't make sense to me. Now don't get me wrong, I believe that God is using some really intelligent and incredible scholars to interpret the Word of God in a way that we never will, but should that stop us from experiencing God's voice through words that He has already spoken in the pages of our Bible?
How mighty is our God? Think about this...Our God is so powerful that the very words He spoke, that was written on stone, papyrus, and scrolls by the authors of ancient times, still has the power today to rescue our souls from the evil that surrounds our lives, and it embraces us with a love that only a Creator can express!

Psalm 119:11 says, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

I have counseled a lot of people who seem to think that they can't help the sin in their lives. My reply would be...according to the scripture above, you've obviously neglected one of the most important essentials of a relationship with God, and that is...the reading and studying of the Word of God! Because according to Psalm 119:11, if you have the Word in your heart, temptations may come, but sin will not overtake you.
All I'm saying is...that Bible you have sitting on your night stand or thrown in the back seat of your car, has the ingredients of a life of power, joy, love, happiness, peace, direction, and hope! Don't neglect reading your Bible; Humbly accept the Word of God...it has the power to save your soul!

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